Sober Living Homes & Oxford Houses Cost & Length of Stay

Oxford House relied on an expert report from Richard Cohen, a professional planner, who concluded that the use of the properties was consistent with the requirement for single family use under the Township’s zoning code. The Township relied on a report from Mary Winder, also a professional planner, who concluded that the properties were being used as rooming houses, a use not permitted under the Township’s Zoning Code. There are two key factors credited for the low rate of recidivism of Oxford House residents. Any resident caught or confessing to substance abuse must leave immediately, but as long as residents continue to contribute their fair share and follow the house rules, they can stay as long as they want or need—in some cases, that can be years. This continuity fosters a feeling that is truly familial, rather than institutional. The residential sober living site, which is supported under the umbrella of the Oxford House nonprofit organization, opened on June 15.

oxford house rules and regulations

It allows the individual to practice the skills of responsible family and community living with their new Oxford House family. Bacon also said there have been confrontations between Oxford residents and people who live in the Glen Erie neighborhood, including claims that a resident threatened to punch a dog and used profanity in front of a child. Studies indicate that living in sober homes after inpatient treatment increases recovery rates, financial strength and overall stability. Residents may first move into homes with high levels of support and then transition to homes with lower levels of support.

How to Stay Sober

For some, this involvement also included speaking at political events (16%), and attending community meetings (30%), and public hearings and forums (21%). Other general community activities reported by participants included working with youth (32%), fundraising (30%), and volunteering time with community organizations (23%). These findings indicate that Oxford House residents are not only working on their own recovery, but also working to make positive changes in their communities.

1619, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq., which declares it unlawful „[t]o discriminate in the sale or rental, or to otherwise make unavailable or deny, a dwelling to any buyer or renter because of a handicap of . . . that buyer or a renter.“ § 3604(f)(1)(A). The parties have stipulated, for purposes of this litigation, that the residents of Oxford House-Edmonds „are recovering alcoholics and drug addicts and are handicapped persons within the meaning“ of the Act. Finally, Mortensen, Jason, Aase, Mueller, and Ferrari (2009) studied this national sample of Oxford Houses for six years following the completion of our study in order to investigate factors related to whether the Oxford Houses remained open or closed. Results indicated a high sustainability rate (86.9%) during a six year period of time.

Examining The Rules Of A Sober Living Home

Several factors determine length of stay, such as the severity of the addiction, a person’s history of substance abuse, their recovery progress, ability to follow rules and ability to pay rent. The daily schedule at sober living homes is heavily influenced by the residents’ current stage of recovery. Some homes are highly structured, with strict schedules and consistent eating and meeting times. Maximum occupancy restrictions, in contradistinction, cap the number of occupants per dwelling, typically in relation to available floor space or the number and type of rooms. See, e.g., BOCA Code §§ PM-101.3, PM-405.3, PM-405.5 and commentary; Abbott, Housing Policy, Housing Codes and Tenant Remedies, 56 B.U.L.Rev. The defining provision at issue describes who may compose a family unit; it does not prescribe „the maximum number of occupants“ a dwelling unit may house.

oxford house rules and regulations

„No direct therapeutic services are provided in Oxford Houses. Oxford House is an evidence-based model and Oxford House, Inc. is listed on SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices. [3] One scholarly work has developed definitional oxford house traditions criteria for „family, group care facility, group family household, and group living quarters“ for use in planning and zoning discourse. See Harvey S. Moskowitz & Carl G. Lindbloom, The Illustrated Book of Development Definitions 84, 98 (1981).

What Are Sober Living Homes?

Equal Expense Shared is generally between 80 and 160 dollars a week and includes utilities. Weekly business meetings are mandatory to discuss any issues that the house may be facing. It is at these meetings that checks are written for bills and residents are made aware of where they stand financially. Majer JM, Jason LA, North CS, Ferrari JR, Porter NS, Olson BD, Davis MI, Aase D, Molloy JP.

Oxford Houses are generally situated in middle or even upper-middle class neighborhoods, locations chosen to blend into the community. Her fall from grace ended with a five-week stint in jail, courtesy, she freely admits, of her own actions—and at the behest of her family. Readers around Craig and Moffat County make the Craig Press’ work possible. Your financial contribution supports our efforts to deliver quality, locally relevant journalism. According to Bacon, preparation done to the house prior to residents moving in was performed during the night without any visible permits. Each member must pay their equal share of expenses in full each and every month.


Returning to these settings without a network of people to support abstinence increases chances of relapse (Jason, Olson & Foli, 2008). As a consequence, alcohol and substance use recidivism following treatment is high for both men and women (Montgomery et al., 1993). Alternative approaches need to be explored, such as abstinence-specific social support settings (Vaillant, 2003).

  • Addicted individuals help themselves by helping each other abstain  from alcohol and drug use one day at a time.
  • In this same study, we examined the combined effects of 12-step involvement and Oxford House residence on abstinence over a 24-month period (Groh, Jason & Ferrari, 2009).
  • Section 3607(b)(1)’s language „restrictions regarding the maximum number of occupants permitted to occupy a dwelling“—surely encompasses maximum occupancy restrictions, and does not fit family composition rules typically tied to land use restrictions.
  • Bacon said the Oxford House should have made a reasonable accommodation request to the city and obtained community input prior to opening.
  • The missing element for many patients is supportive settings following treatment for substance abuse, and the expansion of these types of settings is an important activity for psychologists.

If you are not caught up on what each program can offer, your family may be taken advantage by those looking to make a buck. According to Oxford House, residents of their houses have to have a job within two weeks of admission, they pay a weekly rent, and everyone has their own roles and responsibilities. There are guidelines regarding curfew, visitation, and behavior, and residents also follow regular chore assignments to take care of household duties. Someone who is discovered to be using drugs or alcohol again will be asked to leave within 15 minutes. The City of Plainfield argued that the residents of Oxford House were current users of illegal drugs and excluded from the definition of handicapped individuals.

Housing Services Representative

Oxford House’s McGuire argues that the need for Oxford House is especially significant for those with drug-related criminal records. Because of their background, landlords often don’t allow them to rent in nice communities, forcing them back into risky home situations where they are at increased risk of relapse. Brown and McGuire say they share the neighbors’ concern for students. They say that every Oxford House resident, in addition to being interviewed and voted in by his or her peers, undergoes a background check, and sex offenders are prohibited from living in Oxford House. However, since the homes have no staff and are run by residents, oversight is limited — there are no random drug tests so one would have to, in theory, catch someone in the act of relapsing or have a confession in order to kick someone out of the home. One of the main rules to live at an Oxford House is to remain drug and alcohol-free, anyone who relapses can be immediately kicked out of the home.

What is the first tradition of Oxford House?


Oxford House has as its primary goal the provision of housing and rehabilitative support for the alcoholic or drug addict who wants to stop drinking or using and stay stopped.

The Supreme Court in Vallorosi stated, „The courts of this state have consistently invalidated zoning ordinances intended `to cure or prevent … anti-social conduct in dwelling situations.'“ 117 N.J. At 426, 568 A.2d 888, quoting Kirsch Holding Co. v. Borough of Manasquan, 59 N.J. The Court also announced that „an ordinance limiting the term `family‘ to persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption cannot `satisfy the demands of due process.'“ 117 N.J.

So it’s like a halfway house?

We believe that there is much potential in the Oxford House model for showing how intractable problems may be dealt with by actively involving the community. We collected data at the individual, house, and state levels, and at times compared data over these different levels of analysis. We believe that selecting multi-level, multi-methods approaches allowed us to better clarify complex phenomena that we were studying.

Finally, we stress that relief under the Federal Act is available only where the Oxford Houses, or similar types of residences, actually are maintained for recovering alcoholics and addicts. The federal statute clearly does not sanction harbors or havens for people currently using drugs or alcohol. This result is not condoned by the Oxford House model, and certainly not by us. Although relapse is a common part of the recovery process, it threatens the recovery of all residents. Thus, individuals who relapse are usually removed from the sober living home as soon as possible. Many sober living homes refer the resident to a drug addiction rehab center or offer another form of treatment.